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I am here for the kink!
 Standard Member

Last Visit: This week
Member Since: November 24, 2007

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Gender:   Man
Birthdate:   February 17, 1972
(52 years old)
Astrological Compatibility
Lives in:   Kassel, Hesse, Germany
Relocate?:   Maybe/Yes
Height:   182-185 cm
Body Type:   Average
Smoking:   I'm a non-smoker
Drinking:   I'm a light/social drinker
Drugs:   I don't use drugs
Education:   Master's degree
Race:   Prefer not to say
Sexual Orientation:   Straight
Speaks:   English, German
Hair Color:   Blonde
Hair Length :   Medium
Eye Color :   Green
Glasses or Contacts :   Glasses

I think about ALT lifestyle:   Once a day
Role:   Dominant
Level of Experience:   Prefer not to say
Dress:   Casual
Social Orientation :   Extreme Liberal
Safe Sex:   Yes
Demeanor:   Prefer not to say

Facial Hair: None
Body Hair: Little
Body Decorations : None
Male Endowment: Long/
Very thick
Circumcised: No
Marital Status: Single
Have Children: Yes. We live together.
Want Children : Happy with what I have
Occupation: Wedding speaker
Religion: Christian


52 year old Man in Kassel, Hesse, Germany Looking For: Women or Couples (2 women)

Profile for Incognitomaster
Hello you lovely folks. I am an old member of the platform. I did like to see myself as dominant, now I am not so sure. Mostly, I think I am a Voyeur and a Kinkster. Yes, maybe I enjoy some power play, but it is play for me, not a lifestyle. Still, that does not mean I am submissive, and all the women out there trying to coax me into talking to them with messages like "Hello submissive man...." sorry, this way, you will not grab my attention. I am a professional wedding and funeral speaker, also bookable for collaring ceremonies and LGBTQ festivities. Just check out my blog and drop me a message there! [if254 1]

My Ideal Person:
For playing, I am only interested in girls. I don't mind them to be younger, bodywise my interest spans from petite to curvy, yet it is grace and bearing that catches my attention.

Everyone might contact me though, to exchange experiences or to book me for a ceremony! I do them (=the ceremonies!) in German and English.

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